
Hope - A trap of Ego?

02 May, 2022 - Nitin Psychology

Once i was talking to a friend about one of my investments in penny stock which was falling down day by day but i was keep on accumulating that stock for averaging out believing that it will bounce back in coming days with some good news in favour of that stock. I said "I hope that I am right" .

He asked me a very basic question- " is it your Hope or Ego " ? 

At 1st I thought how can it be related to Ego? Then after a thoughtful discussion, I relised that it was my Ego of not accepting that I have taken some decision based on wrong assumptions and I need to accept & stop.

Same was the case in Mahabharat when Dharamraj Yudhisthir put everything at stake due to this misconception of "HOPE". 

Don't fall in trap of your own so called false Hope which is nothing except an Ego of not accepting a mistake and cause more damage to yourself... Stock Operators (today's Shakuni) plays with your Ego !!!

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