
Demand a new Education & Assessment System

14 Jun, 2022 - Funnel Edu World Education

Evolution of Education System: 

Long back in a non materiaistic world, Education system was to attain the highest level of intellegence and critical thinking for evolving the human life. 

Subsequently with the increase in desires, human kind faced various wars and distructions. from the begining of the reginal invasion to the last world war, we faced huge distructions. now the world has to be re-created which demanded huge work force with basic skill for high speed creation. 

Hence the education was re moulded to train work force with skills of creation without thinking. We produced scientists who can invent weapons of mass distruction , engineers who can create after distructions, doctors who can treat injured soldiers, Skilled workers who can build things. 

And that is what we are now, being part of this race to produce skilled work force with the education system defined in last 500 years.. 

Now, we have evolved to the level of AI, robotics, automations where the human skills can be transfered to the automated machines. Humans are worried what they will do now for living if everything will be done by AI operated machines !!! 

I am not worried at all !!! Let the machine do all the skilled works and humans to evolve critical thinking for creating a better world for living beings and save earth from early distruction. 

Critical thinking is the future- not the data science or any other short needed skill.

Recently with thsi pandemic, we got a chance to re-evaluate our education system and hence the Ed techs evolved. However, Ed tech model of online learning was never a replacement of traditional offline community learning!!! 
It was just a stop gap arrangement which increased demand of online platform . This model was supposed to be short lived same as COVID pandemic. 
We had a good time to re evaluate the learning and more importantly our assessment system for ranking a child interms of true intelligence not just by his volume of attained information (so called knowledge) and the velocity of solving a problem (which come just from practice) but by his critical thinking which is the 3rd key dimension of intelligence.. But unfortunately our society, education system and the industry doesn’t need true intelligence just the workers who can work fast without asking questions.

Lets  increase our intelligence with critical thinking approach. Join Eduworld to learn more. 


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