
One Solution to many Problems

28 Sep, 2022 - Funnel Edu World Well being

Known to everyone but implemented by none. 

Everyday we get in some problems and try to resolve it immediately. Next day we get another problem and we firefight again. This continues to repeat again and again. 

Life has become so fast that we don't get time to stop, think and analyse what we running for ? What is the root cause of these reoccuring poblems? What is the best way to resolve it once for all? 

Joining the rat race of others, we neglecting so many things which were important to us once !!!

We all are so excited about the upcoming technologies of virtual world (AR / VR / Metaverse) while ignoring the Real. We want to avoid problems but we always get into problems, mosty the repeatative problems which we try to solve with the same approach again and again. It doesnt work that way. 

While working for the construction industry in offshore oil fields, where every work is considered to be risky, we mitigate 99% of the risks by a simple exersice. Smart organisations call it HIRA (Hazard Identification Risk Assesment) & RCA (Root Cause Analysis). 

Those who know about these, will appriciate and those who didn't know may give a try.  It is good to apply this at home and everywhere else to simplyfy many problems of people around you. 

Influnced by this, I thought to put the most of the general problems people facing these days into this RCA and share the summary with bigger audiance. 

  1. Road Accidents: With the increase in high speed vehicles, good roads, use of electronic gadgets, working stress has increased the occurance with high sevierity risks. One road accident in family turns all your efforts to ZERO.
  2. Work injuries & behavioural issues comes next in the list. Behovioural issues is recently increasing exponentialy causing various discomports within familes besides being from financially good back grounds. 
  3. Critical Illness: Post pandmeic, the critical illness occurance has increased. Hence a mediclaim policy is must these days. 

All these events, cause,  mitigations are well known but ignored by most of us most of the times. Hence refreshment is must. 

Let's  take a pause over this coming weekend and do some RCA of your regular re-occuring problems. 

With this, I wish you all a very good luck 🤞 and happy Life.

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