
Design Thinking: Key 🗝 to Success

14 Nov, 2022 - Funnel Edu World Mentoring


Do not let your Subconscious plan your activities! Rather train your Active-Mind to plan and use your subconscious to make it happen. 

We all know, human beings have two minds- Active mind and subconcious mind. Active mind work as RAM- Random Access Memory" for instant proccessing while the subconcious mind works as Hard Disk Memory storage based on past experiances. 

#Subconscious works very effectively with the large volumes of data. It has the capacity to store memory of many decades and summaries it as your experience while #Active mind works in most dynamic state based on instant data. That is why sometimes we find ourselves behave differently than our usual known behaviour (for an instant ) . 

Mostly people get biased with their past experiences and make a pre-perception about anything. This comes from the subconscious without you knowing whether it’s true in the present or not. 

Since we started learning about design thinking, we spent quite much time to actually understand how to break our bais to get the best outcomes from our minds. In due course , we tried to get answers from various subject experts, text books and blogs on the matter but yet found it hard to break the bais. 

At last we started looking into Vedic literatures, Upanishads to find any clue. Finally, After over a year trails, we got something useful. You might not find a direct solution in it but as it said about Upanishad that the true knowledge doesn’t come out from anyones mind, but it comes out from within when you able to break your materialistic biases.

Vedantism like Science, [but] after its own fashion, [is] severely conscientious in its logical processes and rigorously experimental; [Vedantism] has mastered physical and psychical laws which Science [is] now beginning to handle.

You are what your deep, driving desire is As your desire is, so is your will As your will is, so is your deed As your deed is, so is your destiny – Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

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Finally, I am happy to see that Our Education system introducing the design thinking in school curriculum. We must learn this for a better future .